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Aquatech Hot Water Systems

Aquatech Heat Pump cylinders are manufactured from stainless steel & come with a 15 year manufacture’s tank warranty + a 7 year warranty on the compressor from the importer, so the warranty is really only as good as they stay in business & with limited products, no sales backing by the plumbing merchants like Tradelink, Reece etc & a changing hot water market it could be a bit of a risk.

Aquatech or Hydrotherm, same product same business are now adveristing, trying to sell their product direct to the public less the STC’s & giving potential customers approx installation costs that are not possible, in QLD you require-

  1. Solar HP 3/4 Tempering valve up to $165 depending on how reliable a brand you want
  2. Duo isolating/non return valve up to $65 for a 3/4 sized one
  3. Pressure reduction valve up to $110 for a 3/4 sized product
  4. Cold water expansion valve $85 for a decent brand that will not have a short life
  5. Concrete base or PVC for the system to sit on with air & water flow underneath is approx. $30
  6. Fully licensed Plumber to disconnect your existing hot water system & install this one, by the time they drive to your place, do the work, take you old system to the tip you can expect this to take 5hrs realistically, at say $95 per hour that gives you $475
  7. Plumbing copper pipework, fittings & insulation + TPR & condensation drains discharging to a approved position $125-$150
  8. Plumbing Industry Council fee of $35
  9. Qualified electrician $250, remove tariff 31 off peak meter & connect system via a isolator switch as it is a motorized permanent appliance same as a split cycle air conditioner, which is LAW by the QLD Electrical Safety Office, a plumber even with a restricted electrical license can not connect a Heat Pump hot water systems electrical

And all of that is if your installation is straight forward & then if you ever have a problem who do you call? Who’s going to help you? We are sure the installer is not going to help you if you purchased the hot water system elsewhere.

If you are doing your research you will see other brands (Chromagan to name one) have heat pumps that are nearly identical, we guess anyone can go to China & get a product labelled differently & start importing them as something different.

Needless to say we have installed dozens of the units & have found them to be a reliable heat pump hot water heater with only a couple of small issues regarding sensor warnings that were able to be worked out over the phone

Our prices below include-

  • Solar HP tempering valve
  • Licensed electrician
  • Licensed plumber
  • Plumbing industry Council fees
  • Pressure reduction valve
  • Insulation for all the pipework at the hot water system
  • Concrete base to sit tank on (if required)
  • Your old hot water heater is removed & disposed of for you
  • GST


These Aquatech hot water systems need to be installed in a external position for maximum efficiency

ALL prices quoted are for same location installations

Aquatech Product Brochure

All the below products are Hot Water Systems

Aquatech 190 litre heat pump water heater
Aquatech 300 litre Heat pump water heater

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