Chromagen Hot Water Systems
Chromagen hot water systems are hot water heaters that are imported from Israel & Asia.
We wouldn’t describe Chromagen hot water systems as the best hot water systems around if we were kind.
Chromagen hot water heaters are relatively cheap compared to some of the better known hot water brands, BUT remember, cheap doesn’t mean you got a good deal or value for money.
We don’t sell Chromagen hot water systems for this reason.
We have install dozens of Chromagen solar hot water systems in recent years for third party so called “Solar” companies, but personally we would not put our name behind supplying & installing Chromagen hot water systems.
As you can see below, aesthetically not the most pleasing of solar hot water systems to have on your roof.
Chrogamen Heat Pumps are Chinese made systems that a few other importers have also in their product range, they are just re-labelled with different stickers, painting black stripes on a white pig doesn’t make it a Zebra, it’s still a pig.
We wouldn’t sell anyone one of these systems without them signing a waiver that SunCity Hot Water & Plumbing would not be responsible for reliability & any warranty or performance issues that a consumer may have with the product.